
Shine Wherever You Are

God has given each of us gifts and a role to play in His body. We help people identify their gifts and then equip and empower them to make their unique contribution to serve each other and reach the world.

Anyone Can Serve

It’s all a matter of what you can do, what you’re interested in and where you fit in! Serving is a great way to get connected to the larger church body. Let us know what you’re interested in and good at. We’ll help you find a place to serve.

Not sure what you’re good at?

Guess what? You’re not alone.

We all have a unique gift-mix, a blend of talents and abilities that God has designed us with. Morning Star is at its best when we all “get in the game” and use those gifts.

Project Shine is a workshop where you will gain a better understanding of how God has designed you to serve Him and learn what serving looks like at Morning Star.

Places To Serve

Be the first to welcome guests as soon as they arrive, answer any questions people might have, help find the best seats available, and be a part of making every effort for our guests to not just feel welcomed, but to feel at home.

Grounds maintenance, Building cleaning, Painting team, End of year floor and cleaning team, Trade skills and more!

Welcome Center Attendant, After-Service coffee station, Providing snacks for the After-Service station and more!

Sunday School volunteer, Vacation Bible School, Event Coordination and Volunteer and more!

Audio/Video team for church services and events, Facility assistance and more!

Choirs, Instruments, Praise Band and more!