
Come discover the victory of Jesus!

An Invitation…

Our name Morning Star is another name for Jesus. It’s all about Jesus. It’s about the victory that Jesus, the Lamb of God, came to win for us. It’s about the most positive and powerful message of all time.

Many people have questions about Jesus. Most people don’t know much about him. They might only know what they have heard from others. But some want to find out more. They wonder if what Christians say about him is true. Can he really bring me peace? Can he really bring me closer to God? Can his story really change mine? We believe the answer is yes. Come discover the victory of Jesus—with us!

In His service,
Pastor Charles Raasch

Our Mission Field

Committed to our risen Lord, we go to love, serve and make disciples.


You can find all previous sermons
and preaching content here


Check out our many Growth
and Life Group opportunities


Make your unique contribution to
serve each other and the world.

Join Us For Worship!


5:00 PM


8:00 AM


10:30 AM

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Connect, Learn, and Experience Morning Star

Feel free to stop by any service, any time! If you tell us you're coming, we would love to meet you, show you around and answer your questions. RSVP by filling out the form below and we'll meet you at the front door.

Bible Information Class

Do you want to dig deeper and learn more? Attend a bible information class and hear the most positive and powerful message of all time.

Sessions can be arranged to fit your schedule

Thought for the Week

Short Video Devotional

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